Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Chaos That We Paid For- Thoughts While Watching Media Coverage of Occupy Wallstreet

The average American citizen watching evening news is stunned at the amount of political violence that we are seeing on Wall Street and our university campuses. This political violence may be telling us that we are seeing the breakdown of society, or the core and seeds of the new revolution that Thomas Jefferson suggested the nation might need in its future. If so, whose revolution is it? Are we experiencing a correction which the indignant populous is demanding? Has the need arisen for a correction in the course of the federal government where they have forgotten who serves whom? Otherwise, why is there this sort of turbulence and what is its root? These questions which spur study of this new political awakening could be a good thing, with conditions. It is a good thing if in keeping with the customs and conduct our Constitution and Bill of Rights have laid down since our founding. If the wild conduct in the streets contributes something of value that is able to merge with our sacred documents from our Founders, then from where have all these demonstrators come from what sounds like 'Marxism'? The answer seems implied or hidden behind a camouflage of words, which is a typical known and slick Marxist tactic from his Jesuit "white-is-black, black-is-white" training ( , II. "Theory of Knowledge"). Diluted ideals masked behind crafty and academic rhetoric enjoy reduction to slogans or just plain lies. Attempting to understand roots of that, have us to search for sources. One also should be aware that many of our colleges and universities are teaching the privileged that their prosperity has been stolen from the “proletariat” members of our society and around the world. Meanwhile recognizing the flipside, since WWII we have engaged in aggressive forms of corporate social control some characterize as ‘over-regulation’ to appear to reign in corporate power and agency abuses. What also has been sounding like class warfare, is generally foreign to our democratic customs and is more redolent of the class-stratified 'old world'; in the USA virtually anybody can buy a first class ticket. Those prospering class warfare have the philosophy that the “bourgeoisie” rich must overcome their environment by sharing what they had stolen from the working class, such as what Dickens wrote in “A Christmas Carol” using the character Marley's ghost. Of late, we’ve been hearing the activists' slogans virtually mindlessly declare statements the "rich" must pay higher taxes, which is what the very wealthy before Wilson’s Administration spurred the masses to demand to obtain the Income Tax Act. Granted, if the Bush era tax breaks lapse to the Clinton era tax brackets, the government would come closer to having significantly improved its revenue stream. The Old-world Marxist, Jesuit influenced sorts have a preference for rabble-rousing; those practices and policies have rooted in new world, but have polluted the ground and spurred erosion far from the liberated Republic our founders left us. Perhaps because the current activist effort seems too confused, relativistic and collectivist, Thomas Jefferson's offhanded remark that one day the United States may need another revolution appears to have taken root in compost rather than a fine flower bed of vigilant individual liberty in a commercial framework of what had been non-corporate private enterprise. Indeed, the reader also may be surprised to know that the origin of highly polished, atheistic Jesuit-Marxism that we’re watching and hear used on our streets and around much of the world, also is used in school texts in the USA. This rhetoric is cleverly mingled with anti-private enterprise propaganda all from within our own “free”, United States of America. With our own open arms, sometimes by ballot, we have welcomed these very patient calculating subversives to hijack words in our dictionaries but not having our definitions. Thus the words in the discourse that we think we are hearing have to be parsed because politically correct word games and slick double-speak are an appendage of bigger political games, which are serving as part of the destruction of the United States of America. Meanwhile, natural concerns arise with American parents who have hocked the house to educate several college grads. When the bill-payer challenges the demonstrator, the responses are virtually never satisfying. The parent is likely to conclude that the child is majoring in “sloganeering” rather than an academic curriculum. The evidence is clear: our academic communities often are indoctrinating- a Jesuit tactic and practice, rather than educating our children. Typically, many parents pay the tuition bills for our children before sending them into the world. We allow them the freedom to explore and grow in their own talents until the world sees them as we do, very special. We proudly encourage them to explore just about every occupation their degree allows. Our hopes are based on our own experiences and means of communication in the relatively free economic society of our time. We parented what we thought were duplicates of ourselves and we were sure that our children could do no harm. Then, one day we are watching the evening news and we see our very special child among the disheveled demonstrators who were defying uniformed security personnel at a down town office building. And that evening we learn that lawyer's fees are almost as expensive as a college degree. Not our child! How did our child become what sounds like a flaming “Marxist Young-gen”? Moreover, how could those in positions of governmental, cultural, social and academic authority ie, “they”, have injected some form of control, even a domination throughout our society, appearing to have hijacked our children? “They” push a button and debt-bearing, educated lemmings come running... With that societal domination, what has happened between our front doors, the education for which we paid for our children and THEN in thinking of the “Big Picture”, the door to the offices of the corporate world and one has to wonder – its personnel directors? And in the unraveling, we'd seen the effect of the 'Wall-Street'-Washington connection as a component prospering the global corporates, which have employed many of those same affected personnel directors. As it were, who hired the Personnel Director? How do THEY fill companies in those buildings and the whole system with such as these who seem to be hijacked by neo-Marxists? This is how all of this is sounding – like Marxism (most people only see that, rather than understanding the Jesuits' order which is disorder and its asymmetric war on the US). In examining society to find answers, let’s start attempting to understand what is happening in the schools. For years questions have arisen about whom? How? Or When? How and when topics of these sorts are discussed on conservative talk shows, letters to the editor and a few from the conservative wing of politics. These so-called conservative constituents were suddenly troubled by a large cadre of what seem to be talented political hijackers who, ignoring the Constitution have emerged in what we thought was our relatively pristine America. Slowly, patiently (Jesuit strategies of 'laying-low') with both campaign contributions and our own tax-money, these for-sale, leftist “sleepers' were buying our political parties, one after another, jerrymandering safe voting districts. It was only a matter of time before political hijackers ‘owned’ most of the federal tax-paying voters’ votes. Eventually voters sent 51% of ‘free-rider’/'free-lunch' minded politicians to Washington D.C. and our state capitols; these leftists of both the social and corporate welfare sorts meanwhile have been looting the kiddy. This short commentary describes nearly a century of indoctrination in our society in general, and our schools in particular. The United States of America has been eroded by Jesuit-socialism and its more violent, leftist form found in Jesuit-Marxism, as well as corporate socialism, aka “fascism”- another Vatican influence, while the US has exported both for more than a century. Both are of the ‘welfare’ sorts to the left of what the founders left us under the Constitution before 1859, and neither are self-sustaining for our republic because we’re not keeping what the Constitution had left us and the Founders by that. Moreover, presented under other names and modified out of its original political and economic context with regard to socialism, the Jesuit-Marxist philosophical influence has been exerted in our society and used openly as the method of teaching in many American schools of higher learning. Again only under different names, eventually it also found its way down through all grades in compulsory education. The popular title today for it is “Progressive” or ‘outcome-based’ education. A review of some history will help give us insight. In the middle of 19th Century Germany, Herr Marx (recall that according to the Jesuits, Marx was trained by Jesuits) was a new political philosopher on the scene who could easily turn words into violence in the turbulent societies in that war ridden era, geographically now among the consolidated German ‘states’. Fearing constant insurrections and mob violence which had been happening over that period of time, the authorities warned that social unrest which Marx and his group had perpetrated would get them invited to leave Germany; Jesuits often likewise were ejected from countries they were attempting to subvert for the purpose of achieving the Vatican's Holy Roman Empire expansion (

Ernst Haeckel and the Struggles over Evolution and Religion, p.95. Germany ejects the Jesuits, which vindicate with the subsequent Pope. Germany's new emperor William II (1888-1918) had conflicts with Chancellor vonBismark (1890) and Germany begins its ascent into achieving the Vatican's contemporary secular state for 'Holy Roman Empire'. See also, - Jesuits and Their Strategy to Destroy Britain, Section: "Jesuits and the Two World Wars").

Given what was happening across central Europe at that point however, and its own problems with shifts in its old feudal, exploitative, compromised and confused ways, Marx's dedication to his new philosophical bent proved too deep for a mere warning from the authorities. The same thing happened in France where the Marx family “society” tried to radicalize seminary students ( “Jesuits and Communism”). Because his philosophy encouraged violence, the French government deported the Marx’s to more liberal, Victorian England. There the Marx philosophy found Edward Bibbins Aveling (who in 1886 co-authored the first English translation of Das Capital), a like-minded radical who had traits the Marx family admired. He was a highly skilled dissembler, and with his adroit lies, he could easily sway audiences. As Marx's daughter, Eleanor, also sadly learned, he could attract women. Although English by birth, Aveling felt no loyalty to the Monarchy. He preached atheism and generally diminished the character of Britain. He would say whatever his audience wanted to hear, and flatly, it did not take long for his audience to realize that Aveling loved to make promises based in lies. As it were, Aveling's intelligence and cunning strengthened the presentation of Marxism. Aveling was a brilliant, capable, leftist organizer who was labeled an anarchist in British and American print. He founded many side-organizations such as “ethical humanist societies”, with names and functions purposed to confuse the opposition. By sheer luck meanwhile, Marxist agitators where in Britain when Queen Victoria called for some sort of ‘reasonable’ democratic reforms. With that political move to the Marxist advantage, Aveling was able to achieve some access to the British political process. It was through these changes that the “left” now had power to enforce his and Marx family ambitions. Probably under Jesuit influence, one of these organizations Aveling founded in the 1890s in England was the “Fabian” Society and was quite effective in recruiting middle and upper class university students. Named for Roman general, Fabius Maximus, Maximus had been known for using those sorts of attrition tactics for which that Roman general was known to use against Hannibal ( Aveling used the name most likely because its cadre would serve as a connected, well positioned but insidious and gradually divisive element from within. Aveling recruited the Fabians among the university social clubs. An example of this is portrayed in the 1983 British film “Chariots of Fire” which has a scene that takes place in a gymnasium at Cambridge where Abrams was sitting at a piano playing Gilbert and Sullivan melodies. Above and behind the piano is a banner for the Fabian Society. In this scene a debate is taking place in 1919 between the melee-mouthed Fabian recruiter and a young aristocrat. He is asking the Fabian why he didn't serve the King or was unwilling to serve the King in the “Great War”. The Fabian recruiter responded with a flimsy comment, referring to “the home front”. The point is made that the Fabian social power protected its recruits in that particular case –war – however, we now see that by 1919 Fabianism had taken on a life of its own. Moreover, recall that the writing of two famous British authors, Dickens and George Bernard Shaw described a characteristic of the modernizing ‘old world’ - 'class-struggle' in virtually sclerotic, class/socially stratified Britain, decrying terrible working conditions over there and in Europe in general at that time. Not without valid complaints, these modern Fabians moving about in the English-speaking world were a part of the early, loosely organized Marxist system. Early leaders were, without their conscious knowledge -- fertile ground – like children inculcated with Jesuit influenced, Fabian socialist ideals. The clever trick was to use children’s natural idealism and ignorance that also were natural weaknesses into which Aveling played. For example regarding children, the so-called Greek “Civil War” after Jesuit/Vatican spawned WW2 (See also, - Jesuits and Their Strategy to Destroy Britain, Section: "Jesuits and the Two World Wars"), which took place on the northern border of Greece in what bordered Albania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia, was not a war for territory, but a war for stealing Greek children and young people. When American author Nicholas Gage was 7 years of age, his mother Eleni rescued her children and helped their escape. A communist firing squad captured and executed Eleni, described in Gage's 1980's era book and movie, Eleni. In part as a result of Greece's open repatriation policy, those thousands of stolen children who were trained as communist insurgents, and their counter-parts among the "Austerity" sorts are today on the streets of Athens during the economic upheaval in Greece, reputed by Greek sources. Jesuits and using Hegelian dialectic strategies, plan far in advance to foment instability in targeted societies to serve motives beyond the demonstrations seen by the naked eye. German domination interests of late, meanwhile which are characterized by their demand for fiscal union to stabilize the economies of EU countries like Greece and Spain, would be used as a reason to quell the demonstrators’ demands, or the flip-side to serve as the solution the demonstrators would demand to embrace. Here the potential is that insurgency birthed a century before in what were principalities now incorporated into Germany, along with the Vatican, are potentially contributing to costing Greece its sovereignty. Certainly sadly with a Concordat, the Greek Orthodox Church may have put Greek sovereignty at risk. In earlier times with the Vatican which continued its interests to remain the dominant religion, and later the Rothschilds, their sponsored insurgencies and in the larger context – wars – were used for ‘kingdom-towing’ ie, taking over countries and giving that land to the victor. Today using somewhat different methods but often with insurrection, we see similar transfers attempted. This remains a tactic and sadly our 1% are part of this funding with their means and for their family-owned companies; the old Kaiser era 'cold-war' remains a way the 1% here and royals abroad enjoy voters' wallet ride while they're lining up their ducks for another region of valuable resources to 'kingdom-tow' with subversive tactics, 'hot-spots', needs for 'peace-keeping', or some other contrived crisis. In Britain the attempts were under way for social and civil power transfers by the Secular Society with its ‘free-thought’ movement which also included Aveling among its members. He edited for the “The Freethinker” a secular humanist magazine established in Britain. After affiliating with this group, in 1881 he interviewed the great scientist Charles Darwin in which Darwin's son, Francis also was present. In that interview, Aveling pressed the question of Darwin's 'faith'. Darwin repeated each time that he was an 'agnostic'. Aveling lied in his notes that Darwin was an atheist. Darwin's son, Francis, exposed this lie in a footnote he added to his father's notes. Aveling's lie from that interview had served to give power to the beliefs of Evolution, which in a Europe affected by reductionist, survival-of-the-fittest sociological filters, Evolution would become elevated to the level of natural laws, theories like gravity or of physics such as thermodynamics. The conjecture of Evolution however does not survive those tests and hurdles to be deemed as achieving scientific theory. The fossil record similarly fails to support Evolution as a true scientific theory. Notwithstanding, with the help of manipulative minds like Edward Aveling, the success of Marxism prospered in the West, also taking more root in the US with its large influx of Germanic immigrants. After the Marxists' great success in unionizing the coal mines in England after WWI, the British generally attempted to reject Marx and this philosophy although the British upper class saw socialism as way to control resources and society by the appearance that socialism was looking out for those of the weaker strata in that society. Thus it was the Coal Board after WWII that formed the nucleus of the freely elected socialist (which had its seeds in Marxism) government in Great Britain. Because of support by the Old World’s elite layer, Marxism's patience is one of the characteristics of its success; it is then enabled to plant recruits and wait as much as a century for the harvest. Even before Marx's death, with a strong source of funds coming from the United States where there was a group which formed the Socialist Labor Party of America (SLP) established in 1876 as the Workingmen's Party, of Marxist-socialist ideology it could be said it was finding some root in the US . Much of their rhetoric came out of the American Midwest where a large number of immigrants from German regions had settled. The Midwest was an 'expansionist' area; except in some pockets of urban areas, Marxism couldn't take the same hold in what had been the 13 Original States of the Union. Chicago served as the center, but led to a split in Marx’s form of socialism. The violent portion of the philosophy worked with the 'proletariat'-like lower classes among those recent immigrants who were feeling disenfranchised and in dangerous and marginal jobs, while the Fabians actively recruited the bourgeoisie, ie, the Middle class. Working conditions anyway generally had eroded in England and US, with little to protect employees from abusive managements and owners and increasing amounts of 'fascism'. This in the US was by the family owned companies which after the US Civil War and foreign moneyed interests enjoyed assess to and protection by the public weal. Abroad that was natural in monarchies and associated feudal societies, whereas in the US, this was a clash to the Republic under the broken Constitution, but increasingly a self-interest demanded by the wealthy commercial families in the US contrary to the interests of all other voting, land-owning Americans). Meanwhile Aveling's double-speak was so clever with hidden meanings and political intent, that some American newspapers were absolutely recruited into Marx’s Germanic, turbulent version of socialism. By the end of the 19th century after Aveling had come to the States, however, he had fallen gravely ill with Eleanor nursing him to health. His amoral mind could not let him keep a promise to marry her; meanwhile he still had a wife in England from whom he was estranged. In 1898 in spite of years of relationship with Eleanor, Aveling married a show girl. The betrayal led Eleanor to suicide. At this point in time Marxism had leadership and management deficits. The family members were dead, the primary leadership was in shambles, and when Aveling's internal infection returned, there was no Eleanor to nurse him. Aveling had died however, by the time John Dewey, known for eroding the quality of education, and his angry socialist beliefs would begin to get traction. Moreover, sharing in the socialist philosophy with Dewey was a noted physician, chemist and art collector Albert C. Barnes. A baseball analogy will help some older readers understand the simultaneous events taking place in politics, society, and commerce. Every sports fan enjoys watching the disciplined team effort that brings screaming fans to their feet. Despite individual talent, sharp speed and well-trained motion, a star athlete however, is only as good as his teammates will allow. The exception to a team's possession of a single gem is a sports team having a collection of stars such as the turn -of-the Twentieth Century, Chicago Cubs infield, Tinker who was at Shortstop, Evers who was at 2nd base, and Chance at 1st base. The efforts of these three ball players formed a record setting double play combination that sparked their team to five World Series victories. There it is - talent and teamwork . From the wave into the US mid 19th century of feudalist, old-world immigrants, a number of whom were Germanic, Catholic (40% of Germany even today is Catholic and many of its Royals also are Catholic), but many were certainly sympathetic to the Marxist and socialist cause in that same period, perhaps were staffing the radical fringe of big-city newspaper editors. These happily were printing original class-warfare material that could be read by transplanted Europeans then living in the American Midwest. Since the context did not matter, the content however did. And had the same Tinkers to Evers to Chance combination: developing in government, in society and in commerce were found a similar, but Jesuit- Marxist-Fabian, political games playing combination in Aveling, Dewey and Barnes. Dewey was an angry educator whose 'Progressive Education' plan was mocked as ineffective, and characterized as “Special Education” for college level students. This John Dewey (not the father of the Dewey Decimal System) was a bitter leftist whose goal would use any means to institute his “pragmatism” plan for American education, in which he'd crafted a flimsy, insubstantial body of material that barely taught reading, writing and arithmetic but was championed as ‘progressive’. This Americanized form of socialist-Marxist philosophy and those who followed it were known as “Pragmatists” (, who believed in the compromise of principles and truth. Dewey’s plan would produce people ineffectively educated to read and handle complex subject matter and sophisticated mathematics, meanwhile indoctrinating them into an updated version of Marxism, to the point that some educators once labeled “Pragmatism” as garbagism”. Given its generations of entrenchment however, the result is what few educators today have the nerve to say, Pragmatism equals "dumbing-down". Reagan Administration Cabinet level, Charlotte Eserbyt (daughter of a 'Bonesman') authored "Dumbing Us Down", helps with that most likely Jesuit influenced effort to erode the quality of public education, and also was a way to encourage parents to send their children to Parochial schools for further Catholic inculcation. Even during the supposedly conservative Ronald Reagan's Administration, with George Bush as his Vice President, and Knight of Malta CIA Director William Casey, this 'dumbing-down' erosion of the quality of US education was ramped-up. In turn, in the past 4+ generations, the dynamic growth of 'Pragmatism” is a ‘planned obsolescence’ that has corrupted virtually every body of knowledge and profession, science, communication, commerce and especially politics. Indeed, everyday in our schools the quality at all levels the system has deteriorated and been eroded by design. Dewey went to the source by embracing socialist-populist versions of Marxism with the Aveling additions as a tool for Dewey's end. After finishing college and into his early teaching career, he associated himself with the philosophies of Eleanor Marx and Edward Aveling with the intention of merging the developing of his “Progressive Education” with the moderations of Marxism sprouting in the US. For example, by using a tactic called “Adjunct” Professors with funds provided by off campus sources, started just after the turn of the Twentieth Century this education strategy also was occurring in other English speaking countries. Although separated by time, the third member of this 'infield' is Barnes whose foundation employed Dewey, which provided the funds for Dewey's inspiration. Barnes is known for inventing ARGYROL, a Venereal Disease prophylactic chemical. First used by the French army, it later was used by all the Armed Forces on the Western Front in WWI. Barnes' fortune came from the French buying ARGYROL, and the means from that allowed him to express his taste in French Impressionist art, until he had purchased the largest private collection of French Impressionist paintings in the world, now known as the “Barnes Collection”. The most likely German influenced, Philadelphia art community however, viciously rejected the collection, which left him embittered. In other cases similar to Barnes’ foundation prospering Dewey’s ‘Progressive Education”, John D. Rockefeller and Rockefeller family foundations had a “General Education Board” (beguiled by the Vatican, Rockefellers also established the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches to give the Vatican stronger hold in the US and around the world). With its limitless resources, its mission and aim for their interests was and remains to use docile people “who would yield themselves to be molded.” According to Gary Allen in The Rockefeller File, Gates added from the Board’s Occasional Paper No.1, “The present educational conventions fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon the grateful and responsive rural folk”. The foundations of the very wealthy - Rockefellers, Carnegie, Ford with significant amounts of money in the early 30’s began supporting Jesuit influenced, Marxist Dewey’s dysfunctional, flimsy education framework in many urban and rural areas of the US. Meanwhile, wealthier families and Catholics would be disinclined to have their children educated in the public schools, preferring better quality education or at least fundamental education offered in tuition based and parochial education. In support of this article’s co-author, Allen also observed that traditionalist teachers resisted Dewey-ism. Backed by foundations however, prominent universities such as Columbia, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Stanford formed research and experimental stations purposed to suborn American education, upset the American system, and supplant it with a socialist state. These foundations also backed National Education Association "NEA", which began to throw its weight behind Dewey’s program. This included Progressive Education textbooks produced for nationwide use to address the decentralized school system in the US. NEA’s 1934 report stated that “A dying laissez-faire must be completely destroyed and all of us, including the ‘owners’, must be subjected to a large degree of social control” (Gary Allen, 1976- The Rockefeller File, pg46). Per Allen, Congress’s Reese Committee’s investigation of foundations reported that “indeed, something in the nature of an actual conspiracy among certain leading educations (in the US) to bring about socialism through the use of our school systems”. In a strange irony, Barnes invented ARGYROL as a sexual prophylactic; where then is the academic prophylactic for today's children, students and even society who have been abused by Dewey's Pragmatism, and funded by very wealth, probably Jesuit influenced Americans. Barnes' wealth paid for the likes of Dewey's “Adjunct” strategy, and funding from sympathetic sources gave Dewey and Dewey-ism significant admission to virtually any campus in America and providing socialist/softball Marxist materials into the US education system. As planned obsolescence goes in the use of plan to render something into an inferior form or condition, in time this Dewey-Fabianistic strategy eroded the schools but also eroded US commerce, its hiring practices, managers and its “Human Resource Directors”. With the help of the wealthy and elite, that socialist-Marxist material spread, and had been changing governments and commerce around the world including our own. At the present time the wealth redistribution charades slickly postured in the socialist/Marxist influenced apparatus we’re seeing, has been and is being prospered also by corporate profiteers, policy makers and social engineers all obsessed for control who think our lives and resources are their final victory. It’s a system that denies God and erodes the quality of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for everyone. To the contrary however, God told Daniel – this "King of fierce countenance" is broken without hand – by the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. The corrupted system that throws away any opportunity for its victory, God vanquishes it for liberty that glorifies His NAME. He is the 'prophylactic' that our children, students, and society desperately need. Psoras, Andrea 2012/2013

Subsequent to co-authoring this article with one of my loved ones, he began encountering A GREAT DEAL of harassment through the WIFI, such as visions of people and foul, creepy dreams. Most people are ignorant that WIFI is hack-able. Although I'd already encountered a great deal of aggressive targeting by the Intelligence Apparatus and the Jesuits, that in exposing the corruption eroding the quality of education and life in the US, it had not occurred to me that my family would be harassed and targeted.

In 1981, the Lord had me come across the witness and biography of Dr. Alberto Rivera, a former fairly high ranking Jesuit the Vatican used in the 60s to infiltrate and compromise Evangelical Christian ministries in Roman Catholic countries in Latin and South America. Most people also would not understand the Bush/Skull-Bones/Jesuit ascendance, their use of SMOM Bill Casey as Reagan's CIA Director who further connected the CIA and US Intelligence with the Vatican, and Reagan's Concordat with the Vatican under the agenda that it would break the Soviet Union and the 'Cold War'. Constance Combey's authored her book, "Hidden Colors of the Rainbow", during Reagan's First Administration. What she was observing were the leaves on the tree of Jesuit entrenching with its Intelligence Apparatus connection and shortly after the Vatican Concordat with the US during Reagans's first term, and thus increased Jesuit access now via and using the US Intelligence apparatus. The Jesuit use of 'black' occult, along with its use anyway by US Intelligence with its Psychological operations, but all of this gained further traction. In time more aggressive targeting began against minorities, now including additional white ethnic groups that the Vatican wanted to punish and oppress. This included Greeks and people leaving Catholicism for 'protestant' denominations and evangelical, or Pentecostal Christianity. GHW Bush meanwhile after having been Gerald Ford's CIA director would become Reagan's Vice President. Virtually if not all secret societies are co-opted or controlled by the Jesuits and their occult interference. As it were, Skull/Bones interests are dominated by Jesuit interests. I've said that Skull/Bones and those anyway from secret societies and our NSA, CIA established using high level Catholic Nazis, etc are all zombies for the Jesuits and their White-is-Black and Black-is-White inculcation and dissociation. Increasing amounts of discrimination have ensued, while throughout all of American Society, government, regulation, environment increasing 'planned obsolescence' has ensued. All of this also reflects the 4th Reich's asymmetric ie commercial and cultural war it vowed at the 1944 Red House Strasbourg meeting to continue to wage (Lebor. Mail on Line, 9May09, "Revealed: The secret report that shows how the Nazis planned a Fourth Reich the EU").

We've needed to repeal the US Concordat with the Vatican. Perhaps we also should revoke Georgetown's charter as well as revoking all charters to every Jesuit college and university. We perhaps also should withdraw funding and state support for every catholic hospital, as well as revoke the Catholic education system are require all students in the US to have public education. Similar to the orthodox which send their children to after school education programs in that religion and those languages, but certainly remove all state support for religious institutions as many 'denominations' and other religious groups in the US receive no direct backing by federal government. Even understanding "United Way" giving, is to understand state support for religious works often cloaked in charity.

We must consider what will help eject Jesuit and Vatican influence, as far as to shut the NSA and CIA, in addition to repealing the Concordat with the Vatican. Europe's problems are rooted in Vatican interests and its use of Germany as its contemporary secular state to attempt domination again by Holy Roman Empire. We need to understand the elephant in the room and how it has contaminated a great deal of our society, our civil institutions and what had been the Republic, which the Vatican and Jesuits hated and assassinated Lincoln to destroy it and the Constitution. The US 1% were babes in the woods for Jesuit occult. That our wealthy were co-opted by Jesuit tactics to achieve Jesuit ends isn't a mystery, but that they need to repent so that they too can get liberty is part of the real battle that we must wage.